You are guaranteed to find culinary that is very unique and diverse in this country because this is where the storage of pepper, cloves, nutmeg, candlenut, coriander, turmeric, bay leaves, ginger, lemongrass, as the basic ingredients of food seasonings derive . So, you should not be surprised with the dish here if you find so many sweet, sour, and spicy flavors. In one package , Indonesian food will always be served with spices that permeate in every dish. Almost all traditional Indonesian food from each region is amazing. The author will review some foods that are interest famous people, to the point of being hunted by many Indonesian citizens living abroad. You should try these foods. 1. Rendang Who does not know rendang? Indonesian people wherever they are will always look for the food of this kind. On every road in Indonesia, you will meet with Padang Restaurant which will serve this. Comes from Padang, West Sumatra, the cow cooked covered with prairie spices will ta...